Shiraz Mukarram / 2017 Thesis Candidate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Shiraz Mukarram / 2017 Thesis Candidate

Shiraz Mukarram is a photographer working with people who are underrepresented in the mainstream media. He uses portraiture to tell an individual's story through their own words. 

Mukarram is interested in exploring identity and the ethical/moral possibilities of representing another person, using each project to interrogate issues inherent to portraiture – exploitation of the subject, ownership of the image, the power relationships of representation, and the meaning of authorship. He often uses an expanded sense of portraiture that combines various media, including audio, photography, and film.

Be sure to join us on Friday, May 12th from 6-9pm at the MFA Graduate Studios to enjoy Shiraz's thesis work, along with the other 2017 graduates!

MFA Thesis Exhibition and Reception