Shun Yong / 2018 Thesis Candidate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Shun Yong / 2018 Thesis Candidate

Shun Yong is a third-generation Chinese immigrant from Malaysia and also a resident alien in the United States.  He is a portrait photographer who documents immigrants and refugees in the United States and in Malaysia.

At the age of sixteen Yong left his hometown of Karak, Malaysia. He had paid little attention to what was happening there until recently when he started taking photographs of immigrants with an emphasis on their occupations. Inspired by this experience, Yong took the opportunity to expand his photographic series Occupation Series in the United States through his thesis project. Yong wants to document the personal stories of immigrants and refugees, to honor them and give them visibility within their communities.

Yong's investigative portraiture allows him to understand how immigrants and refugees fit into contemporary society and contribute to those new places that they call home. By engaging with these subjects, Yong has discovered his own role and identity in the United States and Malaysia. 

Be sure to join us on Friday, May 11th from 6-9pm at the MFA Graduate Studios to enjoy Shun's thesis work, along with the other 2018 graduates!

MFA Thesis Exhibition and Reception

For more information: visit Shun Yong online.

Artist portrait by Shun Yong.

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