Sieng Lee and AIGA Design for Good | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Sieng Lee and AIGA Design for Good

This past summer MCAD MFA student Sieng Lee was involved with a pilot project through AIGA Design for Good. The project was about design thinking and how it can be used to address social problems within a community. Design for Good worked with CAPI (Center for Asian Pacific Islander), a non-profit food shelf that offers culturally specific food to its immigrant and refugee participants. The design thinking project lasted three months and the final results were various recommendations that could be beneficial for CAPI in the immediate, short, and long term. After the project the Design for Good team has been working with foundations to find ways to create more projects like this in the future. There is a lot more information on this project, so feel free to contact the MFA program or for more information. You can also view the project blog at Tumblr! Designforgoodpilot
