Sishir Bommakanti / Light Grey Art Lab Iceland Residency | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Sishir Bommakanti / Light Grey Art Lab Iceland Residency

This summer, 2nd year MFA illustrator Sishir Bommakanti traveled to Iceland for an artist residency facilitated by MCAD neighbor Light Grey Art Lab. Sishir was a member of Team Tern, one of the four LGAL residency teams in 2017.

Sishir, on his experiences in Iceland: "The Light Grey Art Lab Residency in Iceland was an incredible opportunity to both explore a completely different landscape, and make friends that will last a lifetime. The experiences we shared during our adventures through the primordial landscapes of Iceland, and the various lectures, workshops and late-night discussions we had provided me a wealth of material and inspiration to work with."

Each day of the residency is filled with adventuring as artists are introduced to the natural wonders of Iceland and encouraged to explore, discover, experience, and document the unique and varied landscape. In the evenings, the group gathers for dinner and a group workshop or lecture. Each artist is responsible for sharing a part of their practice with the group; presentations range from technical demonstrations to design workshops to lectures on personal growth, all with a special focus on the artists' personal experiences and knowledge. Sishir gave a presentation on critical theory regarding the concept of Ruin-Time.

"Because we were in a landscape that was ever changing and growing," Sishir said, "I wanted to take the opportunity to talk about the philosophical definitions related to ruins, erosion and entropy. My own fascination and obsession with ruins and the nature of ruins allowed
me the opportunity to make parallels between the physical object and its spiritual presence. My presentation for the residency looked at the dynamics between nature and art, and how the forces of nature turn 'art' into a different product."

Over the next year, Sishir and other artists who participated in the residency will have the opportunity to process their experiences in Iceland through their artwork and various artistic practices. The LGAL residency experience wraps up with an exhibition where artists display work about their time in Iceland.

To read more about the experiences of Team Tern, take a lot at the trip recap on the Light Grey Art Lab blog!

 Photos courtesy of Sishir Bommankanti, Jenny Bookler, and Syd Weiler.

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