Studio Visits / Marion Bataille | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Studio Visits / Marion Bataille

This month, the MCAD MFA program was fortunate to earn ourselves a visit from Marion Bataille, world-renowned graphic designer and book designer based out of Paris, France. She came to our MFA studios and gallery to meet and speak with three of our students in an intimate setting: Sherry Muyuan He '18 (graphic design), Alanna Stapleton '18 (illustration,) and Maria Castillo '18 (print, paper, book),

Bataille is known for her innovation and vision with letterforms and book arts. Praise from the Washington Post for her pop-up alphabet book ABC3D just about sums up her appeal: "Easily the most innovative alphabet book of the year, if not the decade... Beyond clever." —The Washington Post

What a treat! Thank you, Marion! We are grateful for your talents and generosity.

For more information:

Marion Bataille
Sherry Muyuan He
Alanna Stapleton
Maria Castillo
