Summer 2021 Professional Practices Series | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Summer 2021 Professional Practices Series

Join the MCAD MFA Program for our Summer 2021 professional practices workshops, which are online, free, and open to all. Use the links below to register for each Zoom event.

Cole Seidl, MFA ’17

Cole Seidl '17: Teaching Overseas

Wednesday, June 2, 6:00pm Central Time

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Alum Cole Seidl, MFA ’17 will be joining us to talk about his experiences with arts education in the West Bank, and the ways that both art and education are key targets by the occupying forces. ⁠Students and attendees are encouraged to think critically about issues of colonization when examining overseas teaching opportunities.⁠

Nicole Dotin

Nicole Dotin, MFA '00: Independent Online Course Creation

Wednesday, June 9, 6:00pm Central Time

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Alum Nicole Dotin, MFA '00 will be joining us to talk about the recent launch of  Practica, a 14-week, live, online program for designers who already have the beginnings of a typeface, but want to build it out into a multi-weight family. We will be eager to hear about the process of building this online course.

Teaching at Art Centers

Teaching at Art Centers

Wednesday, June 16, 6:00pm Central Time

Recording unavailable.

We will be joined by Anika Schneider '19, Dan MacAvey '22, Erin Sandsmark '17, and Elam Bonebright '18 who will answer questions about their teaching practices at a variety of art centers. Learn more about how these alums got their foot in the door with these teaching opportunities.

Paul Trani

Paul Trani: Teaching on LinkedIn Learning

Wednesday, June 23, 6:00pm Central Time

Watch the Recording

Paul Trani is a 25 year design veteran and Adobe’s Principal Evangelist where he focuses on helping designers of all types create award-winning work for all screens. Join us to hear about his experience teaching on LinkedIn Learning.