Teaching Opportunities Outside of Higher Education / Professional Development Workshop | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Teaching Opportunities Outside of Higher Education / Professional Development Workshop

On October 18th, MCAD MFA Alum Michal Sagar '96 led a workshop on Teaching Opportunities Outside of Higher Education. This was the first in a new series of professional development workshops hosted by the MCAD MFA program for current students and alumni.

Michal Sagar, a practicing painter, is the Visual Arts Department Head at Breck School in Golden Valley, MN.  Sagar shared the story of her artistic trajectory, what brought her to the MCAD MFA program, and how she created a niche for herself as an artist and educator. After showing examples of the work of her talented high school students, Sagar answered questions from the audience about how she approaches grading work and techniques for promoting creativity in the classroom.

"Michal Sagar is the Visual Arts Department Head at Breck School and a current member of Form + Content Gallery in Minneapolis, MN. She received a BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute and an MFA at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Her drawings, paintings, and encaustic works have been exhibited nationally and internationally. Solo shows include: The Beginning of the Third Dream at the Schaeffer Gallery, Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN; Excavation at the Tychman Shapiro Gallery, Minneapolis, MN; and Coexistence at the Acanthe Gallery, La Ferté Loupière, France."

Photography by Yi Wan.

For more information:

Michal Sagar
Visual Arts Department at Breck School
Upcoming Professional Development Workshops