Thank You Fall 2020 Graduate Critique Seminar Visiting Critics | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Thank You Fall 2020 Graduate Critique Seminar Visiting Critics

As we approach the end of the fall semester, the MCAD MFA program would like to extend special thanks to all our Graduate Critique Seminar [GCS] visiting critics. Each of these critics visited a class session to provide a short talk about their work, as well as join in 1-2 critiques of student work.

This fall we had sections for GCS 1 and GCS 3. To read more about our curriculum and how GCS fits into our framework, please visit our Curriculum page. We keep track of all our visiting critics to ensure students have a new critic each time they are up for critique.

Neal Vandenbergh
Madeleine Finley
Eric Garcia
Sarah Welch
Sid Branca
Guanyu Xu
Mev Luna
Jacob Yeates '17
Jameson Paige
Jesse Meredith
Justine DiFiore
Natasha Pestich
Mathew Zefeldt
Monica Haller '05
Kate Brooks
Niky Motekallem
Robert Nichols
Syed Hosain
Rachel Breen
Rotem Tamir
Alon Chitayat
Meira Asher
Jennifer Nevitt
Xavier Tavera
Liyuan Tong '14