Thesis Reviews: Alonzo Pantoja '20 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Thesis Reviews: Alonzo Pantoja '20

Join us in congratulating Alonzo Pantoja '20 on completing his Thesis Review! ⁠

From Pantoja's statement: "'Fields,' is an arrangement of weavings, wood frames, dollies and markers (spray painted wood) addressing orientation, impermanence and queerness as they relate to comfort. Using the placement of materials within the space, I lay out moments for the opportunity to allow discomfort, such as partially blocking off a doorway. The concept of having multiple ways of approaching work is interesting to me, because it moves away from a linear path. The non- linearity is a way to address queerness; it is fluid and open, not necessarily concrete. Similarly, the work is neither permanent nor temporary, but in state of becoming."⁠

Alonzo Pantoja website
