Thesis Reviews: Dawn (Xintong) Yang '20 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Thesis Reviews: Dawn (Xintong) Yang '20

Join us in congratulating Dawn Yang '20 on completing her Thesis Review!

From Yang's statement: "I am a pretty anxious and pessimistic person. Sometimes, even though good things happen and everything goes well, I will still be anxious - and even more anxious and fearful than when I was in a bad situation. When I think about it, I imagine everybody in the world will face anxiety because the environment we live in keeps changing. The change of our environment causes insecure emotion in our minds and this insecure feeling is anxiety. So, it seems like anxiety is written in our genes. And anxiety is a weird emotion that has a relation with a lot of different kinds of emotion, like loneliness, sorrow, depression, fury, etc. For my thesis project, I decided to draw a series of illustrations to express this kind of emotion. In addition, the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 this year makes me feel more about anxiety. The world changed so fast because of this outbreak. Everybody feels overwhelmed. Suddenly people can only stay at home anxiously and face the unknown future without being able to do anything."

Dawn Yang portfolio site
