Thesis Reviews: Molly Murakami '20 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Thesis Reviews: Molly Murakami '20

Join us in congratulating Molly Murakami '20 on completing her Thesis Review!

From Murakami's statement: "What does it mean to write a letter to someone who can never read it? Is it a waste of time and energy, an endeavor with an ending you already know, or is it a conscious act of catharsis? Is this kind of writing a meditation, a purposeful moment of self-reflection? Is it compounded when the actions of the deceased have not just directly impacted, but expressly led to yours –– your existence, hinged upon the survival of another? What does it mean to persevere in a time of anxiety and uncertainty? What happens to the process when your world is upended in front of you? What does it mean to keep living, and keep creating? What happens when you make that choice?

Molly Murakami website
