Thesis Reviews: Patrick Sexton '20 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Thesis Reviews: Patrick Sexton '20

Join us in congratulating Patrick Sexton '20 on completing his Thesis Review! ⁠⠀

From Sexton's statement: "Our Path is a speculative spiritual running group. The community believes in the moving meditation as means to achieve clarity in The Zone. Workout and fitness culture has devolved into efficiency, winning, and consumerism. Our Path offers an alternative way of practicing running. It is not about clocking in and making sure you get your miles in for the week. The spiritual group is focused on moving the sport, the athlete, and the mind forward.⁠⠀
The group is an umbrella for a number of projects and focuses. A set of group standards known as The 10 Strides is a step by step guide to achieve The Zone and The Runners High. A guided meditation and running application, The Endless Scroll, is a new take on the digital workout and tracking app where content is unlocked the more the runner runs. Community group runs such as Perform The Logo where a half marathon route is designed in the form of the Our Path infinity logo. And printed materials such as Zone Mag, document the culture around spiritual running and the group.⁠⠀
The group is poised to forge their own path with the focus on the body and mind."

Patrick Sexton website
