Thesis Reviews: Xavi (Jiahao) Chen '20 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Thesis Reviews: Xavi (Jiahao) Chen '20

Join us in congratulating Xavi Chen '20 on completing his Thesis Review! You can view his thesis website here.

From Chen's statement: "The “I hear you. Listen to me” project was originally developed and evolved based on the theory of communication noise. I conceived and presented my thoughts by analyzing the generation of noise in the mind, and the way it affects the process of communication, by combining history, and various forms of its external expression. My thesis is presented in three different formats, including printed matter, a physical interactive installation, and an internet-based virtual environment. I filter and amplify noise at the psychological level, while formally combining historical and modern means of manipulating messages through a variety of methods and media expressions."

Xavi Chen online portfolio
