Thesis Reviews: Xingzi Liang '20 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Thesis Reviews: Xingzi Liang '20

Join us in congratulating Xingzi Liang '20 on completing her Thesis Review! ⁠

You can view her thesis website here:

From Liang's statement: "In this thesis project, entitled OnePlus, the main focus of the work is to create a brand around the concept of "couple" and "love". The intention of this brand identity is for individuals to participate together and show their uniqueness as an individual and as a couple. The OnePlus brand identity is like an "empty container”, which can share and record the stories of different couples’ acquaintanceships. OnePlus currently has 16 participants and is showcasing the story of 8 couples. At the beginning of this project, I interviewed 8 couples about their occupations, feelings, stories, appreciations of one another, etc. According to the characteristics I designed the logo of the OnePlus,  posters, and books to illustrate the visual characteristics of different couples, using the three aspects of graphics, color, and tactility."⁠

Xingzi Liang portfolio website

