Thesis Reviews: Yujie Cao '20 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Thesis Reviews: Yujie Cao '20

Join us in congratulating Yujie CAA '20 on completing her Thesis Review!

You can view Cao's work through her thesis website.

From Cao's statement: "I am interested in globalization and how it shapes modern society, written language, and visual vernaculars. To do this, I implement speculative languages like toki pona to experiment with (letter)form, metalanguage, computation, and image. This language is ​posited as a future language to eliminate the obstacles caused by language in international communication so that people can quickly interpret information in an unfamiliar context. My thesis work focuses on developing a process in which to examine various modes of communication and future forms of written language. In synthesizing languages of the past and present, both speculative and the applied, I am developing an understanding of the potential of universal languages. I use these communication methods as a means of informing my work to various degrees."

Yujie Cao website
