Tianrui Zhang / 2015 Thesis Candidate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Tianrui Zhang / 2015 Thesis Candidate

Tianrui Zhang's thesis work focuses on the social-cultural identity of the citizens living in the Chinese community where he grew up, through an illustration showing what has happened socially, culturally, and personally during the past few decades. It describes the lives our citizens have left behind, and yet in many ways, are still living with today through the eyes of a contemporary individual. This work comments on those events with no overt criticizing, no honoring of official platforms, just “seeing” and “feeling” it with the eye and the mind.

In this work, Zhang uses the combination of digital illustrations and motion graphics referencing pictorial languages, such as icons and signs. The work deploys idioms and social-cultural phenomena that occur in employment, education, and daily life. 

Be sure to join us on Friday May 15th at Public Functionary to enjoy Tianrui's thesis work along with the other 2015 graduates

MFA Thesis Exhibition and Reception

For more on info: Tianrui Zhang's website
