Timothy Hamilton / If You Cling to Me, I’ll Clang To You | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Timothy Hamilton / If You Cling to Me, I’ll Clang To You

Timothy Hamilton(sculpture '15)’s If You Cling To Me, I'll Clang To You, features a large-scale kinetic installation along side his prints and drawings.  In Hamilton’s installation work systems are given physical form, building a landscape structure that highlights the relationship between map and territory, reminiscent of their origins as purely human inventions. These landscapes subtly contract and expand through a matrix of automated pulleys.

The structures are geometrically abstracted and referential of natural and human-constructed landscapes. By working on a large scale and in response to the space, Hamilton invites the viewer to investigate the details and also experience the work at large from a distance. Maps, blueprints, landscapes, nature, and architecture inform his compositions and the visual relationship with perspective drawing.

Timothy Hamilton received his BFA at the University of Oregon. Hamilton is a current MFA candidate at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, continuing SooVAC’s long-standing commitment to annually exhibiting the work of MCAD students. Timothy has exhibited in numerous group exhibitions regionally and in Oregon. This will be his first solo exhibition in Minnesota.

Show Runs:
February 21 - March 21, 2015

For more information, please visit:

Soo Visual Arts Center

Timothy Hamilton
