Tokyo Type Directors Club Exhibition | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Tokyo Type Directors Club Exhibition

This October, the MCAD Main Gallery featured an exhibition of work by "over one hundred award-winning projects by global leaders in type and graphic design." The exhibition, in collaboration with AIGA Minnesota and Werner Design Werks, coincided with the National AIGA Design Conference 2017, held in Minneapolis from October 12 to 14.

The Tokyo Type Directors Club (Tokyo TDC) formed in 1987 and has since become one of the most prestigious organizations in the field of typography and graphic design. "Since 1990 it has staged an annual international design competition, the Tokyo TDC Awards. This annual competition celebrates the spirit of typography and encourages and rewards experimentation into both form and language. Throughout the years, the Tokyo TDC has awarded freshness and vitality and has constantly challenged what is thought of as typography and typo-graphics."

Each year, 300 works are chosen from the thousands of entries to be published in an annual. From those 300 works, 100 are selected to be part of an exhibition that travels across the globe. "This show highlights some of the strongest work from three different exhibition years: 2015, 2016, and 2017. The pieces were selected by Sharon Werner of Werner Design Werks, Jon Forss of Non-Format, and MCAD Design Chair Erik Brandt. This was a rare opportunity to see original work by the world’s leading type designers on display in Minneapolis, ranging from posters, to character design and editorial/book design, to packaging and experimental work."

Photography by Yi Wan and Zoe Cinel.

For more information:

Tokyo Type Directors Club Exhibition
Tokyo Type Directors Club
Erik Brandt
