Twin Cities Zine Fest | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Twin Cities Zine Fest

The 14th annual Twin Cities Zine Fest took place on September 15th in Minneapolis at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts.  MCAD MFA 1st-year Harry Gao, alum Kristin Tipping '16 and mentor Carolyn Swiszcz joined over 70 zinesters tabling at the event, showing and selling their zines and prints.

"The Twin Cities Zine Fest is an annual celebration of zines and self publishing in the Twin Cities and beyond. TCZF aims to sustainably support self publishing and the DIY ethic in our communities, with an intersectional focus on politically and socially engaged zines, community partnership, and amplifying the voices of those who have been historically unheard. The Twin Cities Zine Fest has taken place (nearly) annually since 2004."

The Twin Cities Zine Fest kicked off with a reading held on Friday, September 14 at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts which included a reading from Harry Gao.

Photography by Yi Wan.

For more information:
Kristin Tipping