Visiting Artist / Claudia Hart | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Visiting Artist / Claudia Hart

This April, artist Claudia Hart gave a lecture on MCAD's main campus and visited the MFA studios for individual studio visits with MFA students.

From the artist, "Claudia Hart emerged as part of that generation of 90s intermedia artists in the “identity art” niche, but now updated through the scrim of technology. Her work is about issues of the body, perception, nature collapsing into technology and then back again. Everything is fluid in it including gender. She considers it Cyborg-ish, creating liminal spaces, and is in love with the interface between real and unreal because it is space of contemplation and transformation."

Claudia Hart's work adapts the forms and software normally used to create 3d shooter games, "It transposes discussions about digital technology and a critique of the media through a feminist lens. In the context of ideas about a technology that has replaced nature by threatening to eclipse and permanently alter it, she argues that contemporary ideas about technology are not a rupture but a reflection of very conventional ways of thinking."

MFA students  Joi Yao '19, Hallie Bahn '19, Camilo Aguirre '20, and Shirin Ghoraishi '20 invited Claudia Hart into their studios for conversations about their current practices. Thanks for visiting, Claudia!

Photography by Yi Wan.

For more information:

Claudia Hart
Joi Yao
Hallie Bahn
Camilo Aguirre
Shirin Ghoraishi