Visiting Artist / Stephanie Sherman | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Visiting Artist / Stephanie Sherman

This October, Stephanie Sherman gave a lecture on MCAD's main campus and also visited the MFA studios for individual studio visits with MFA students.
Sherman, currently based in London and completing a PhD in art and design at the University of California, San Diego, "is an art and design director, curator, producer, and writer. Her projects take shape as systems, stories, and strategies that reorganize material, social, and cognitive surplus to transform outmoded outlets of consumption into collaborative platforms for interdisciplinary production.Her proclivities include abandoned spaces, street and media art, techno-futures and all things transportation, and she now works at the intersection of social and speculative design to turn impossible visions into reality."

"Sherman has founded and directed organizations like Elsewhere, a museum and residency in a three-story former thrift store in Greensboro, North Carolina; Kulturpark, a research activation of an abandoned amusement park in Berlin; and Save Starlight, a revitalization of an outmoded amphitheater in San Diego. She most recently served as co-founder and co-director of Common Field, a national network of artist-run organizations with startup support from the Andy Warhol Foundation, and currently is a producer at Radioee, a nomadic, multilingual, online radio station."

First year MFA animator Hallie Bahn, 2nd year interdisciplinary artist Jordan Moen, and 2nd year graphic designer Sherry Muyuan He invited Sherman into their studios for conversations about her work and their current practices. Thanks for visiting, Stephanie!

Photography by Libby Wiswall

For more information:

Stephanie Sherman
Hallie Bahn
Jordan Moen
Sherry Muyuan He