Yi Wan / 2019 Thesis Candidate | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Yi Wan / 2019 Thesis Candidate

Yi is an illustrator who draws inspiration from her memories and experiences. Her memory has always been really bad; however, certain moments are just hard to forget. She cannot help herself from thinking back to those precious things that have happened in her life. In a process similar to writing, drawing allows her to capture these fragments from past memories on a tangible surface. 

In the twenty-first century, we have to increasingly face more environmental issues. In her thesis project, she intends to explore the possibility of associating illustration with public service announcements in order to direct people’s attention toward pressing environmental issues. Art is powerful; she hopes that by showing the startling contrast between delightful past memories and depressing current environmental issues in her illustration, she will motivate the audience to help reduce our harmful human impact on our planet.

Be sure to join us on Friday, May 17th from 6pm-9pm at the MFA Graduate Studios to enjoy Yi's thesis work, along with the other 2019 graduates!

MFA Thesis Exhibition and Reception

For more information: visit Yi Wan online.

Artist portrait by Grace Olson

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