Yuchen Zhang / The Night Stays With Us After All | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Yuchen Zhang / The Night Stays With Us After All

Yuchen Zhang '18, a 2nd year MFA illustration student, exhibited a solo show of her recent illustration work in the MCAD Library Gallery this October.

Zhang describes herself as "the kind of person that feels energetic only during the night." Her show, The Night Stays With Us After All is a collection of personal illustrations, inspired by the feelings Zhang experiences at night. "Drawing has become one of her ways to decompress and relax. Each piece in this series has evolved over the course of the semester during her free time. She usually contemplates her feelings around midnight and lets her feelings lead her into another dimension. This project is full of emotions that she felt around midnight, which is joy, loneliness and most of the time, depression."

Zhang's show will be in the MCAD Library Gallery until November 6. Check it out before it's too late!

Photography by Yi Wan

For more information:

The Night Stays With Us After All
Yuchen Zhang
