Zoe Cinel / Read Me | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Zoe Cinel / Read Me

This September, MCAD MFA 2nd year filmmaker and multimedia artist Zoe Cinel '18, exhibited work examining cultural identity in the MCAD Library Gallery.

Her show, Read Me: Navigating Immigration, invited the community to "pull apart my fragments and interpret my identity." The solo exhibition explored "the alienation of being an immigrant in a physical and cultural context." Addressing time, distance, and language, Cinel utilized the unique space of the MCAD Library Gallery by creating a site specific installation using the irregular cinder block walls. The show also incorporated books, which served as "a dual metaphor for the immigrant condition (fragmentation of identity) and the constancy of a timeless home."

Cinel, a native of Florence, Italy, partnered with The Italian Cultural Center in Minneapolis to host a guided tour of her solo exhibition. After the tour, Cinel lead a discussion with attendees addressing the question: How does art respond to immigration?

Photos by Libby Wiswall.

For more information:

Read Me: Navigation Immigration
Zoe Cinel
The Italian Cultural Center