Image Kaila Larson Alumni '21 Degree BFA Areas of Study Illustration Senior, Illustration Hearst Senior Illustration Merit Scholarship $4,000 Online Portfolio What kind of work are you excited to make next? I'm excited to make more children's book work. What are your hopes/goals for your senior year? And beyond? My biggest goal for senior year is to finish my senior project after the class ends. It's a children's book where the reader follows a dog as she goes to a cemetery to reunite with her dead, ghost-dog friend. After graduation, I'm hoping to do freelance work from my home in rural Wisconsin, having reunited with my own dogs. Best thing you ever got on the free shelf? My best free-shelf find is probably the small tin (Sucrets Lozenges) packed full of calligraphy pen nibs or even the couple of side tables I found and use to house some plants. Current obsession? Dogs. Always. Work Link to Work Detail Link to Work Detail