Image Alumni '21 Degree Bachelor of Fine Arts Areas of Study Web and Multimedia Environments Current Career Freelance Artist Location Minnesota HEARST SENIOR WEB AND MULTIMEDIA MERIT SCHOLARSHIP, $4,000 Performance Book: This project was fully submerged into the waters of performance. Each page speaks to the reader/performer in an intimate way, giving them a choice to respond. The sentences reflect on awareness of the body in conjunction with the book, with time, and with others. The book takes the reader outside the pages and gives them a chance to interact with the people surrounding them. Handmade paper (abaca and flax), typed on typewriter, pencil, metal screws, metal clasp. An Invitation: In setting up each of my performances in the past, I grew more aware of the beauty in the preparations. What was not intended to be a piece of the performance grew increasingly performative. This drew me to question where the line between performance and living really comes into play. An Invitation began as a simple rhythmic and repetitive exercise for myself and flourished into a series of questions. A chair sat diagonal from the TV, which was displaying a video of the performance. An envelope titled "for you" sat to the right of the tv, and was directed to be read after watching the entire performance. This letter was an invitation to a performance, explaining that the performance actually just occurred, rendering the invitation used. Why did you decide to come to MCAD? Honestly, the natural lighting in the building drew me in initially; no other school quite had that. What are your plans for your senior year? And beyond? I'm finishing up my class requirements, which is a great feeling. I'll be diving deeper into performative work and bookmaking. We'll see where the end of spring ’21 takes me... I'm quite excited. Favorite thing about college life (so far)? Building my life as I want it to be, savoring the time where this is a flexible option. What's the best thing you've got from MCAD's free shelf? A wondrous golden cup. What inspires you? Nature, people, movement, sound, conversation. Do you have a favorite piece you've made? Describe it! My favorite piece so far has been An Invitation (described above). Felt the most like me (a bit of irony, meditation, and poeticism.) Anything you're obsessed with at the moment? Fruit, water, warmth, and wind imagery in my writing. Website Junior, Web and Multimedia Environments Web and Multimedia Merit Scholarship $2,000 Online Portfolio How are you going to celebrate your win? With a glass of wine! What kind of work are you excited to make next? More interactive pieces and more poetry pieces. What made you choose to come to MCAD? I originally came for graphic design. Favorite thing about college life (so far)? My creative circle of friends!