Image Paige Hender Alumni '20 Degree BFA Areas of Study Comic Art Current Career Freelance Artist Senior, Comic Art Roy B Justus Comic Art Scholarship $2,000 Online Portfolio What kind of work are you excited to make next? I'm excited to focus more on full books! A lot of preliminary MCAD comics classes focus on single page stories, but now that I'm in higher level classes I get to expand my storytelling. What are your hopes/goals for your senior year? And beyond? I hope to mingle more with publishers and hopefully start on a graphic novel within a year of graduating. Best thing you ever got on the free shelf? When I was rooming with Paulina Luo she got me a Harley Quinn pop figure off the free shelf and it was the sweetest thing ever <3 Current obsession? Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812