Roshan Ganu | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Roshan Ganu


Adjunct Faculty, CE Instructor
MFA, Minneapolis College of Art and Design
MA, University of Pune, India
BA, Manipal University, India
Current Career
Comic Artist and Mixed Media Storyteller
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Roshan Ganu is a multimedia artist originally from Goa, presently based in Minneapolis. Her work is an ongoing exploration of moving image collage where she creates spaces that mesmerise and incite curiosity within the viewer.

Ganu received the MCAD–Jerome Early Career Fellowship 2022–23 and was in residence at Out of the Circle in Cairo, Egypt in December 2023. She has exhibited her multimedia work across the region, including spaces like Franconia Sculpture Park, Mirrorlab, Walker Art Center, Rochester Art Center, and SooVisual Arts Center among others.