Katayoun Amjadi | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Katayoun Amjadi

Katayoun Amjadi posing with her eggplants sculpture ; Katayoun Amjadi
Katayoun Amjadi

  • Faculty

Adjunct Faculty
MFA, University of Minnesota

Katayoun Amjadi is an Iranian-born, Minneapolis-based artist, educator, and independent curator. In her work, she often considers the sociopolitical systems that shape our perceptions of Self and Other, such as language, religion, gender, politics, and nationalist ideologies. Amjadi blurs these boundaries and creates an off-balance, hybrid style that is slightly acerbic and a little bit tongue-in-cheek. Her art probes the relationship between past and present, tradition and modernity, and individual versus collective identity, and simultaneously seeks to spur discussion about our place in the temporal arc and the interwoven roots of our histories.