2020 Faculty Biennial Profile: Jason Coyle | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

2020 Faculty Biennial Profile: Jason Coyle

November 04, 2020
Photograph of several different types of taxidermied birds lined up  ; Jason Coyle
Jason Coyle

Meet the artists of the 2020 MCAD Faculty Biennial.

Unless the Names are Known to You, a collaboration with filmmaker Laska Jimsen, is a documentary observation of the morphology collection at the world’s only full-service animal forensics lab in Ashland, Oregon. The title, from a Carl Linnaeus passage (that concludes “the knowledge is lost too”), is a gesture to Linnaeus’ canonical work in taxonomy, the science of identifying, naming and classifying. The film explores spaces where the organic (in the form of animal remains) meets technology (in the form of arsenic scanners, computed tomographies, and autopsies). Ultimately, Unless the Names are Known to You investigates the edges of scientific knowledge, while also examining the poetics and politics of classification systems. Screening in the Black Box is an excerpt of this work-in-progress.

About Jason Coyle

Jason Coyle is an inaugural Jerome Hill Artist Fellow and recent recipient of a Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grant in Media Arts. His individual and collaborative film and video work foregrounds acts of observation in sustained investigations of human-animal relationships, systems of management and classification, and representations of the everyday. 

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