McKennan Marie | Minneapolis College of Art and Design

McKennan Marie

Portrait of McKennan Marie with her work.


Areas of Study
Furniture Design
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

What is your major and how did you choose it?

My major is furniture design. I chose furniture design due to the flexibility and versatility within the major. It encourages students to think both in the practical and sculptural while using a wide variety of materials. The instructors encourage students to follow any ideation or passion while creating, whether that’s inside or outside of the major. 

Do you have a minor? What is it? Why did you choose to pursue this minor?

My minor is entrepreneurship. I chose this minor to gain an understanding of the business side of art. While studios help me create my work, the entrepreneurship minor gives me the tools to showcase and make a profit off of my work. I recommend taking classes from this major to every student at MCAD.

What kind of sustainably-focused projects have you worked on and/or are currently working on?

I have been exploring the use of paper in my artwork lately. This allows for a delicate structure. I am extremely interested in textiles, and how we can make them sustainable. 

Chair and textile design by McKennan Marie

Chair and textile design by McKennan Marie

What inspires you?

When creating artwork, I am inspired by healing. This is showcased predominantly through my textile work. Having comfort items is extremely important for the healing process. I combine these comfort items with nature to create a peaceful experience and atmosphere. 

How do you incorporate sustainability into your everyday life? What advice do you have others to do the same?

Being 100% sustainable feels like an impossible feat, and in some aspects it is. It’s important to research and figure ways to incorporate sustainable practices within your daily life. Starting small, and building onto that foundation is a great way to incorporate, and grow, your sustainability.

Light fixture by McKennan Marie